About us

Pooyesh Gostar Sanat was established in 1996 to provide a variety of commercial and engineering services in domestic and foreign areas in major of power generation, oil & gas and petrochemical industries. As an EPC contractor, by exploiting experienced and talented specialists, PGS has been able to deliver high quality services by collaborative working with various accredited local and international resources. Considering this partnership, this company has emerged as a leading firm to provide different services including supplying, manufacturing, overhaul and maintenance. in 2011 pooyesh gostar sanat company(PGS) lunched a manufacturing and repair workshop in safa dasht industrial town around Tehran city.

Our Mission :

• Services quality and efficiency enhancement to gain market and achieve a sustainable reputation in both domestic and international market.
• Improve productivity by efficiency boosting and utilizing facilities.
• Engaging employee in their related skills development programs by academic and on-site training to pave the way for continual progression.
